Saturday, July 14, 2012

Argumentative Writing: Working from home solves many domestic problems. What do you agree?

Working from home solves many domestic problems. What do you agree?

                In modern times, domestic problems have become somewhat enhanced throughout the years. Domestic problems are problems between family members and it does not concern people from outside the family. Nevertheless, situations outside the home can contribute to the downfall of a family, resulting in domestic problems such as financial problems, child neglect, verbal or physical abuse, and separation of parents. There are some ways that can suggestively combat these problems and one of them is by working from home. Workaholics who work excessively outside of the home tends to ignore the circumstances at home, causing problems to the family. This essay will discuss whether working from home can solve many domestic problems or not.
                First and foremost, there are numerous reasons why people prefer working outside compared to working from home. It is a standardization that most people will undergo when they first get a job. The jobs provided are stable with a rewarding income that can definitely allow parents to afford the luxuries that life has to offer for their children. Plus, working in companies benefits the employee in many ways, such as providing free health care and life insurance. Working outside can also enable a person to expand their range of friends and colleagues. This enables them to develop different communication skills with different types of people.
                Joyce Brothers once said, “when you look at your life, the greatest happiness is family happiness.” Family can be considered as one of the most important element in our life, and bonds by blood are stronger than bonds by friendship. So, it is crucial to place family first above work. Working from home permits a person to give full commitment to family responsibilities. Parents can do their part as parents to the child in full term. A mother who works from home can raise her child in the home in her own way. She would not need to drop her toddler to the nursery every time she goes to work. Child neglect or abandoning of family duties can be avoided. Parents who work from home can give the cosiness and warmth of a family throughout the child’s whole life. This will lead to good upbringing and a happy childhood for the child.
                Working from home can promote better family relationships. For example, spouses who work outside the home for long periods of time can result in long absences from the home, such as pilots or ship captains. This absence may cause family members to be distant with each other even though they may communicate through telephone or video calls, like Skype, since it is never the same with physical contact. In some cases, there are spouses who fail to withstand the tension and pressure of long-distance relationships that they resort to romantic affairs or even violence. On the other hand, working at home will prevent all this, as spouses know the actions and whereabouts of each other. Besides that, a typical family environment can encourage family members to cherish one another’s presence and carry out their respective responsibilities thus bringing them closer.
                Some people are incapable of balancing professional careers with family duties. Some can just focus on one main thing and the rest is done half-heartedly. By working from home, some people can regain the balance. When a person works outside the home, it can be stressful in life especially for working mothers who have to be workers, mothers, and wives at the same time. This may lead to overstress and depression. When the person refuses to seek proper help, the tension builds up inside them. They become emotionally fragile and moody. Then, they tend to vent out their frustrations through house neglect, abusive behaviour, and in extreme cases, even suicide. This will effect family relationships and give bad experience for the children. In addition, the stress caused might lead to illnesses such as high blood pressure and heart attack.
                In conclusion, I agree to the statement that working from home can solve many domestic problems. This is because domestic problems are often caused by the inability of the family members to prioritize the things in their life. They get carried away with materialism and achieving career goals that they pay little heed to the conditions at home. Working from home is very suitable for single mothers and women in general since they have to care for their family. Besides, blood is thicker than water. I believe that family should be one of the top primacies in one’s life. However, sometimes it has little to do with the place you work but rather it is how you work that will determine everything else.

(773 words.)

Status: Checked.

Band 4.