Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cell-mediate Immune Response & Humoral/Antibody-mediate Immune Response

An easy-to-memorize form of essay:

Cell-mediate Immune Response

  • Macrophage first engulf & digest bacteria into small fragments.
  • Antigen fragments combine with class II MHC found on surface of macrophage.
  • Macrophage becomes APC(antigen-presenting cell).
  • APC binds to helper T cell, bond is enhanced by CD4.
  • CD4 binds to class II MHC. This stimulate APC to secrete interleukin-1.
  • Interleukin-1stimulate helper T cell to produce interleukin-2(in large amounts).
  • Interleukin-2 stimulates helper T cell to multiply into cytotoxic T cell.
  • Cytotoxic T cell attach to infected/cancerous cell and release perforin to puncture holes on target cell.
  • Target cell undergoes lysis and is destroyed.

Humoral/Antibody-mediate Immune Response

  • B lympocyte binds to antigens of pathogen.
  • Pathogen is engulfed by B cell by endocytosis and digested.
  • Antigens bind with class II MHC & move to cell surface.
  • B cell becomes APC(antigen-presenting cell).
  • APC binds to helper T cell, T cell secrete interleukin-2 which activates B cell.
  • B cell divide repeatedly into plasma cells & memory B cells.
  • Plasma cells produce antibodies that kill the antigen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pengajian Am 2: New Format 2012

Looks like the Ministry of Education created a new format for PA paper 2.

My Form 6 teachers went to a talk that was held to clarify the format of PA 2:

1. English words (even with ' ' or pembuka & penutup kata) are not accepted.

2. For Bahagian D (graph) you can write the title with big letters, all of it, with caps lock on. :)

3. For pie chart (carta pai), the elements of the petunjuk can be written inside the circle, so you don't have to write the petunjuk in the 6 cm boundary.

4. For line graph (graf garis), the elements of the petunjuk can also be written at the end of each line. This is applied to combination bar graph( graf bar gabungan).

5. For the inverted graph (graf imbangan/songsang, the skala should be written as such:

Skala : 1 cm mewakili -/+ _____ .

you need to write the ' -/+ ' in there.

My teacher said that you can carry on doing graphs like you used to do,ignoring all this, except for the number 5.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Argumentative Writing: Should children be taught sex education in schools?

Should children be taught sex education in schools?

                Sex education is a relatively new concept in the education system. It was proposed as a way to reduce various sex-related problems happening among the youths such as teenage pregnancies, abortion, baby-dumping, rape, molestations, and incest. These problems are committed mostly by people who are misinformed about sex and the risks involved. In my opinion, sex education is a great way to teach young adults about all there is to know about sex and everything that comes with it. I agree that sex education should be taught in schools and this essay will discuss the reasons.
                In a study done by The Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2007, about 50 per cent of children in India are sexually abused.  Sex is considered as a taboo subject in India, so nobody talks about it or report about the abuse. A lot of people feel that this delicate issue should be informed or explained by the parents. However, many parents feel embarrassed to talk about sex openly to their children. That is why schools can provide an alternate route for children to learn the facts about sex. Teaching sex education in schools can promote the idea that sex is a natural, healthy, and normal part of life and nobody should feel ashamed about it. It can help youths to learn about sex in a scientific and objective way so that they would be more careful to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually-transmitted diseases.
                Children need the correct information about sex to be able to protect them themselves when necessary. In the United States, most of the teenagers are already sexually active and the teenage pregnancy rate is doubled compared to other western countries, with 750000 teens becoming pregnant annually. This is due to the fact that the teenagers are not well-informed about sex and the risks as they reach puberty and undergo body changes. A lot of these adolescents become curious and decide to try it themselves. Thus, it is important to equip teenagers with reliable and correct information about how to protect themselves from sex abuse, unplanned pregnancies, and diseases by enforcing sex education in schools.
                Sex education can be an encouragement to youths to remain abstinent or practice safe sex by using preventive measures such as using condoms. Studies show that teaching sex education before youths become sexually active can actually help them to stay abstinent or use protection when they reach the stage of becoming sexually active. By teaching it in schools, children will be informed earlier about sex, preventive measures and sexually-transmitted diseases so that they can prepare themselves about the mysterious subject of sex as they grow up. They would not have to be curious about it anymore and misunderstandings or myths about sex such as not getting pregnant for the first time of doing it can be confidently defied, as they would have been properly informed in schools.
                In conclusion, sex education is a vital subject that must be taught to young children or adolescents. The perception of shame and embarrassment concerning talking about sex should be corrected because sex is a biological part of life. I think that it is immature to think that people can avoid talking about sex when it is a natural thing in a person’s life. Schools should implement programs to effectively inform students about this subject in a neutral manner.

(561 words).

Status: Checked.

Band 4

Argumentative Writing : If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and be punished?

If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?

                “What’s done to children, they will do to society”. This quote by American psychiatrist, Karl Menninger tells us that the adults who shape children have a large influence on their behaviour towards society. The adults in question are mostly their parents. There are a lot of crimes or illegitimate behaviour done by children or teenagers such as vandalism, bullying, drug-abuse, and self-mutilations. Many people think that parents are to be blamed for their children’s bad behaviour and they should be punished, but some disagrees to this idea for various reasons.
                Some parents think that they should not be held responsible for their children’s bad behaviour because most teenagers today are independent and free-willed that parents could not control them. Even though the parents have worked hard to raise a child to be good and abide to the law, the child can defy and deviate from his or her parents due to outside influences such as the mass media or peers, which can alter a child’s views considerably. So, according to some parents, their children’s bad behaviour is not entirely their fault.
                On the other hand, many people think that the parents are the source of children’s bad behaviour.  Parents play a major role to influence the way a child thinks and behave. They are the first people to interact and influence the child. Their mannerism and way of thinking will become examples for the child to follow as they grow up. If the children behaved badly, that is because they reflect the behaviour of the parents.
                Parents should be responsible for their children’s behaviour because they are the ones who gave their children life. They have the responsibility to provide care, food, education, and protection for their children. So, it seems right to assume that parents are to be held responsible for their children’s behaviour. They should be punished when their children take part in juvenile crimes, as it can be taken as a hint that the children are not receiving the correct upbringing that every child deserves.
                In popular belief, people believe that problematic children come from broken families. In reality, problematic children may come from any family, either broken or not. Being in a disordered family is not a factor when children behave badly, but the method of upbringing should be questioned. Sometimes, even well to-do families may produce rebellious teens. I think this is due to the way parents raise the child. They may leave the job of raising their kids to teachers or nannies, that they seldom spend time for their children. So, the parents must be held responsible for their children’s bad behaviour when this is the case.
                In summary, I think that parents should be responsible for their children’s bad attitude at a certain extent for the reasons mentioned above. Young children at the age of 18 years old and below are not able to decide clearly, but those above 18 should know the difference between right and wrong. It is true that outside factors can drive a child to commit crimes or behave badly, but the parents should do whatever they can to correct or guide the child to the proper lane. In the case of punishing the parents, issuing fines to the parents for their children’s bad behaviour could be a suitable castigation so that the parents will be more concerned of their children’s behaviour and the children may want to think twice before displaying bad behaviour, for their parents will have to pay for it.

(584 words).

Status: Checked.

Band 4

Argumentative writing : Are women better parents than men?

Are women better parents than men?

                Parenting is a challenging but a highly crucial task. Good parents produce happy and healthy children while bad parenting will produce problematic children. Some people think women make better parents than men while others feel the opposite. In my opinion, women do make better parents than men. This essay will discuss why women are better parents than men.
                Most mothers share a matchless biological bond with their children. No one else can replace a mother’s status in a child’s life. Whatever the cause, there appears to be a lifelong silver chord or biological connection between mother and child that cannot be explained scientifically. Although fathers may form deep loving bonds with their children, they may not be able to match the depth of closeness by mother and child.
                Women tend to sacrifice more for her children compared to men. They often put other things like their hobbies and interests on hold to care for the children. Usually, mothers are the ones who would stay up at night to attend to a crying baby or a sick child. Some fathers might think that the job to look after the children is not crucial and should be done by the mothers instead of them. This may prove that women do look after their children more than men would.
                Women are naturally more caring and forgiving compared to men. They will understand the needs and the behaviour of children better. Besides that, mothers are the best guardians for children below the age of 18. Even in divorce cases, mothers are given the custodial rights of the children, unless the mother had any kind of condition that would disable her from caring for her children like insanity.
                Women are more intuitive than men. Women often know how to read non-verbal signals in human behaviour, which can be useful alerts to issues or problems in the child’s life. Even when a baby or a child cries, the first person to attend it will always be the mother as she knows what the child needs and wants. This shows that women can be better parents in the times when children need them most.
                In conclusion, although both parents are certainly capable of caring for children, the mother often make better parents than fathers. It is the truth that no one can simply alter. Nobody can choose between a mother and a lover, because mothers create a deep bond in children that no one can challenge. Anyone who has experienced the unconditional acceptance of a mother’s love can bear witness to this reality.

(425 words.)

Status: Checked.

Band 4


Welcome. I made this blog mainly because I need to document my homework and notes, and I thought keeping it in a blog would be much easier and more organized (less clutter and less confusion too). This blog contain some notes, essays and homework in Form Six.