Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cell-mediate Immune Response & Humoral/Antibody-mediate Immune Response

An easy-to-memorize form of essay:

Cell-mediate Immune Response

  • Macrophage first engulf & digest bacteria into small fragments.
  • Antigen fragments combine with class II MHC found on surface of macrophage.
  • Macrophage becomes APC(antigen-presenting cell).
  • APC binds to helper T cell, bond is enhanced by CD4.
  • CD4 binds to class II MHC. This stimulate APC to secrete interleukin-1.
  • Interleukin-1stimulate helper T cell to produce interleukin-2(in large amounts).
  • Interleukin-2 stimulates helper T cell to multiply into cytotoxic T cell.
  • Cytotoxic T cell attach to infected/cancerous cell and release perforin to puncture holes on target cell.
  • Target cell undergoes lysis and is destroyed.

Humoral/Antibody-mediate Immune Response

  • B lympocyte binds to antigens of pathogen.
  • Pathogen is engulfed by B cell by endocytosis and digested.
  • Antigens bind with class II MHC & move to cell surface.
  • B cell becomes APC(antigen-presenting cell).
  • APC binds to helper T cell, T cell secrete interleukin-2 which activates B cell.
  • B cell divide repeatedly into plasma cells & memory B cells.
  • Plasma cells produce antibodies that kill the antigen.

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