Sunday, April 15, 2012

Argumentative writing : Are women better parents than men?

Are women better parents than men?

                Parenting is a challenging but a highly crucial task. Good parents produce happy and healthy children while bad parenting will produce problematic children. Some people think women make better parents than men while others feel the opposite. In my opinion, women do make better parents than men. This essay will discuss why women are better parents than men.
                Most mothers share a matchless biological bond with their children. No one else can replace a mother’s status in a child’s life. Whatever the cause, there appears to be a lifelong silver chord or biological connection between mother and child that cannot be explained scientifically. Although fathers may form deep loving bonds with their children, they may not be able to match the depth of closeness by mother and child.
                Women tend to sacrifice more for her children compared to men. They often put other things like their hobbies and interests on hold to care for the children. Usually, mothers are the ones who would stay up at night to attend to a crying baby or a sick child. Some fathers might think that the job to look after the children is not crucial and should be done by the mothers instead of them. This may prove that women do look after their children more than men would.
                Women are naturally more caring and forgiving compared to men. They will understand the needs and the behaviour of children better. Besides that, mothers are the best guardians for children below the age of 18. Even in divorce cases, mothers are given the custodial rights of the children, unless the mother had any kind of condition that would disable her from caring for her children like insanity.
                Women are more intuitive than men. Women often know how to read non-verbal signals in human behaviour, which can be useful alerts to issues or problems in the child’s life. Even when a baby or a child cries, the first person to attend it will always be the mother as she knows what the child needs and wants. This shows that women can be better parents in the times when children need them most.
                In conclusion, although both parents are certainly capable of caring for children, the mother often make better parents than fathers. It is the truth that no one can simply alter. Nobody can choose between a mother and a lover, because mothers create a deep bond in children that no one can challenge. Anyone who has experienced the unconditional acceptance of a mother’s love can bear witness to this reality.

(425 words.)

Status: Checked.

Band 4

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Such a controversial article! It's crazy. You don't have all the answers, but you research and try to find what is the best for your child, you remember your childhood and try to do things better than your parents did, but you forget some of the things they did right, so you feel like you're messing up a lot of the time despite all your efforts. No matter if you are a man or a woman ;) Agatha Singer has got a great article about must-have skills of responsible parents. You may read it here. This is what really matters!
