Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mechanism of Hormone Action

Mechanism of Hormone Action : Gene Activation

  • Lipid soluble hormones such as steroids pass through plasma membrane easily.
  • In the cytoplasm or nucleus, the hormone binds to its receptor to form hormone-receptor complex.
  • The hormone-receptor complex binds to specific part of DNA.
  • Transcription occurs to produce mRNA.
  • mRNA diffuse out of nucleus & binds to ribosome. Translation occurs. Specific proteins are synthesised.
  • Complete proteins carry out specific functions.

Mechanism of Hormone Action : Second Messenger(cAMP) using adrenaline hormone.

  • Hormones such as adrenaline are first messengers.
  • In the plasma membrane, hormone binds to its receptor to form hormone-receptor complex.
  • The hormone-receptor complex binds to G-protein(guanine nucleotide-binding protein) & activates it.
  • G-protein binds to enzyme adenylyl cyclase & activates it.
  • Adenylyl cyclase catalyses conversion of ATP to cAMP(cyclic adenine monophosphate). cAMP is second messenger.
  • cAMP activates enzyme protein kinase which activates enzyme phosphorylase kinase. This stimulates another enzymatic reaction that in turn produces the 'cascade effect'.

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