Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mechanism of Muscular Contraction : Sliding Filament Theory

Mechanism of Muscular Contraction : Sliding Filament Theory

  1. Action potential spreads through T tubules. This stimulates release of Ca2+ ions from sarcoplasmis reticulum.
  2. Ca2+ ions binds to troponin & rearrange the troponin-tropomyosin complexes. Tropomyosin movesaway to expose binding sites on actin filaments.
  3. ATP attaches to myosin head & is hydrolysed into ADP.
  4. High energy myosin head binds to exposed binding site on actin filament, forming cross-bridges (actomysosin bridges).
  5. Myosin head bends 45 degrees & pull actin filament towards centre of sarcomere. (ADP is released)
  6. ATP attaches to myosin head again. Myosin head detaches from binding site, swings back & reattaches again. This is 'ratchet mechanism'. Actin filaments are pulled closer towards centre of sarcomere.
  7. Muscle contracts.

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