Sunday, November 25, 2012

Roles of Hormone in Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual cycle consists of 4 phases:
a) Follicular phase
b) Ovulation
c) Luteal phase
d) Menstruation

  • Hypothalamus secretes GnRH(gonadotrophin releasing hormone).
  • GnRH stimulates anterior pitituary gland to secrete FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone) & low levels of LH(luteinising hormone).
  • FSH stimulates development of follicles in ovary. Only one follicle will mature to form Graafian follicle.
  • Follicles secrete oestrogen.
  • Oestrogen causes healing & repair of uterine lining. At low levels, secretion of FSH & LH are inhibited. At high levels, secretion of LH is stimulated, causing ovulation. Secondary oocyte is released  into fallopian tube.
  • LH stimulates convertion of empty follicle into corpus luteum & stimulate corpus luteum to produce oestrogen & progesterone.
  • Both oestrogen & progesterone promotes thickening of endometrium/uterine lining to prepare for the implantation of blastocyst.
  • Oestrogen & progesterone also inhibits secretion of FSH & LH. Development of new follicles is prevented.
  • If fertilisation does not occur, corpus luteum degenerates. Oestrogen & progesterone decreases. Endometrium breaks down. Menstruation occurs.

Mechanism of Hormone Action

Mechanism of Hormone Action : Gene Activation

  • Lipid soluble hormones such as steroids pass through plasma membrane easily.
  • In the cytoplasm or nucleus, the hormone binds to its receptor to form hormone-receptor complex.
  • The hormone-receptor complex binds to specific part of DNA.
  • Transcription occurs to produce mRNA.
  • mRNA diffuse out of nucleus & binds to ribosome. Translation occurs. Specific proteins are synthesised.
  • Complete proteins carry out specific functions.

Mechanism of Hormone Action : Second Messenger(cAMP) using adrenaline hormone.

  • Hormones such as adrenaline are first messengers.
  • In the plasma membrane, hormone binds to its receptor to form hormone-receptor complex.
  • The hormone-receptor complex binds to G-protein(guanine nucleotide-binding protein) & activates it.
  • G-protein binds to enzyme adenylyl cyclase & activates it.
  • Adenylyl cyclase catalyses conversion of ATP to cAMP(cyclic adenine monophosphate). cAMP is second messenger.
  • cAMP activates enzyme protein kinase which activates enzyme phosphorylase kinase. This stimulates another enzymatic reaction that in turn produces the 'cascade effect'.

Mechanism of Muscular Contraction : Sliding Filament Theory

Mechanism of Muscular Contraction : Sliding Filament Theory

  1. Action potential spreads through T tubules. This stimulates release of Ca2+ ions from sarcoplasmis reticulum.
  2. Ca2+ ions binds to troponin & rearrange the troponin-tropomyosin complexes. Tropomyosin movesaway to expose binding sites on actin filaments.
  3. ATP attaches to myosin head & is hydrolysed into ADP.
  4. High energy myosin head binds to exposed binding site on actin filament, forming cross-bridges (actomysosin bridges).
  5. Myosin head bends 45 degrees & pull actin filament towards centre of sarcomere. (ADP is released)
  6. ATP attaches to myosin head again. Myosin head detaches from binding site, swings back & reattaches again. This is 'ratchet mechanism'. Actin filaments are pulled closer towards centre of sarcomere.
  7. Muscle contracts.

Ornithine Cycle

Chapter Homeostasis : Ornithine Cycle

  • NH3 combine with CO2 & H2O to form carbomoyl phosphate.
  • Carbomoyl phosphate react with ornithine to form citrulline. This process occurs in matrix of mitochondria in liver cells.
  • Citrulline react with aspartate to form argininosuccinate.
  • Argininosuccinate breaks down to form fumarate & arginine. Fumarate enters Krebs Cycle.
  • Arginine is hydrolysed by H2O to form urea & ornithine.
  • Ornithine is released & reused.
  • Urea is carried to the kidneys to be excreted in urine.

Munch's Pressure (Mass Flow) Hypothesis

  • Leaves are 'sugar source'. Sugar diffuse from mesophyll cells into the sieve tubes of the phloem through symplast route/cytoplasm.
  • Concentration of sugar in sieve tube is high, causing water potential in leaves to decrease/low.
  • H2O enters sieve tube from the xylem, creating high hydrostatic pressure.
  • Growing roots, shoot tips, stems & other parts of the plants are 'sugar sink'.
  • Sugar diffuse out of sieve tube/phloem into 'sink tissues'. Water potential in 'sink tissues' decreases.
  • As a result, H2O moves into other cells by osmosis, creating low hydrostatic pressure in sieve tubes.
  • The hydrostatic pressure gradient formed between 'sugar source' & 'sugar sink' drives mass flow of H2O.

Photosynthesis: Light Reaction & Dark Reaction

Light Reaction

Non-cyclic photophosphorylation : produce ATP & NADPH

  • Reaction centre for photosystem II is P680.
  • H2O is broken down to provide 2 electrons and O2.
  • 2 electrons excited by light energy and achieve high energy potential/energy level, accepted by phaeophytin(primary acceptor).
  • 2 electrons flow to/received by plastoquinone, received by cytochrome complex, received by plastocyanin, and received by photosystem I(ADP is used & ATP is produced).
  • The flow of electrons provide the energy to pump protons across the thylakoid membrane. This activates ATP synthase to produce ATP.
  • From photosystem I, the reaction centre is P700.
  • The 2 electron excited by light energy and achieve high energy level, and accepted by FeS.
  • 2 electron flow to/received by Ferredoxin and received by NADP reductase.
  • Enzyme NADP reductase converts NADP+ to NADPH and H+ ion.

Cyclic photophosphorylation : produce ATP only

  • Reaction centre for photosystem I is P700.
  • 2 electrons excited by light energy, achieve high energy level, accepted by FeS(primary acceptor).
  • The 2 electrons flow to/received by Ferredoxin, received by cytochrome complex, then received by plastocyanin, then received back by photosystem I.(ADP is used & ATP is produced).
  • The flow of electrons provide energy to pump protons across thylakoid membrane. This activated ATP synthase to produce ATP.

Dark Reaction

Calvin Cycle

  • CO2 combines with 5 carbon compound, RuBP with the help of enzyme rubisco to form unstable 6 carbon compound.------>(CARBON DIOXIDE FIXATION phase)
  • 6 carbon compound  split into 2 molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate/phospho-3-glycerate.
  • 3-phosphoglycerate undergoes a series of reduction processes to form glycealdehyde-3-phosphate/triose phosphate. ATP & NADPH is used.------>(REDUCTION phase)
  • Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate undergoes regeneration to regenerate RuBP.------>(REGENERATION OF CO2 ACCEPTOR phase)
  • Some glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate assimilate to form carbohydrates, lipids, & proteins.------>(PRODUCT SYNTHESIS phase)

DNA Replication Essay

DNA Replication

Using the image above as reference, this is a simple way to memorise the process.

  • Enzyme helicase unwind the parental double helix.
  • The single strand binding proteins stablise the parental DNA
  • The leading strand is synthesised continously in the 5' to 3' direction by DNA polymerase III
  • The lagging strand is synthesised discontinuously. Primase synthesises a short RNA primer to form Okazaki fragment
  • RNA primer is replaced by DNA polymerase I, then DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragment to the growing strand.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Argumentative Writing: 'People are becoming more materialistic. They are concerned with making more money and what money can buy. What is your opinion on being materialistic?'

People are becoming more materialistic. They are concerned with making more money and what money can buy. What is your opinion on being materialistic?

          "Life shouldn't be printed on dollar bills". This quote from Clifford Odets tells us that life does not necessarily revolve around money and material wealth. As time proceeds into a modern era, money and materialism have been one of the most influential forces in the world. Some may think that money and wealth is the way of life. They believe that everything luxurious in this world has a price and only by accumulating money and wealth can one enjoy them. In my opinion, I think that people really are becoming more materialistic. This essay will discuss how materialism has affected people, the modern society, and the country's economy.
          Materialism has geared individuals towards the path of making more money. This is so that they can afford life's indulgences like a spacious home and expensive delicacies. They are driven by the want to enjoy a carefree and luxurious lifestyle that seems so popular nowadays. In addition, people work hard to earn more income for the purpose of affording expensive and branded items such as Chanel handbags, IPhones, and tablet personal computers. As people become more focused on wealth and improving living standards, they tend to forget matters that are substantial in life, namely health, family, and friends.
         A materialistic mind-set can drive people to overspend or buy things that they cannot afford yet. This will give a domino effect on the country's economy. Of course, the spending power of the society can help to boost the economy, as they increase sales and business opportunities. However, when people overspend to extreme ends using plastics money or credit cards and take loans that they cannot afford to reimburse them, the country's debt margin will surely rise. For instance, in America, banks are giving loans to individuals who aspire to own big houses that they cannot pay for. Their inability to pay for it became one of the factors that caused the collapse of America's economy.
          Materialism has also affected people's spiritual and moral beliefs. Some people are fortunate enough to have a proper occupation that they can work hard for, but some people who are jobless or have low income can also develop avaricious characteristics. Since they cannot afford the treats in life yet desire it, they can turn to a life of crime for the resolution to satisfy their materialistic needs. This can be observed through the increasing crime rates for theft, break-ins, snatch thefts, frauds, blackmail, kidnapping for ransom, and bank account hacking. Those who commit these crimes are materialistic criminals that lost sight of moral and spiritual values as they are blinded by greed and wealth. Besides that, parents may neglect their children's emotional and spiritual needs because they are fully engrossed in money-making activities. Despite all the comforts and extravagance, the children can become lonely and crave for parental affection, and thus indulge in bad habits like smoking or vandalizing public property as an act to eradicate the loneliness or seek attention.
          In conclusion, materialism is becoming a common quality in the 21st century. People are compelled to work harder to afford indulgences beyond their reach. Even though materialism may spur individuals to strive in life to improve their way of living, the act of overspending can lead to the downfall of the one's well-being and the economy. For me, I believe that money is not everything in life. It is undeniable that without money, one cannot survive in this harsh world, but having money in abundance in meaningless when one is unhappy. As quoted from Virgil, "The greatest wealth is health." I think that there are more significant things in our lives that seem to be overshadowed by our busy daily lives and worldly delights, and they are family, friends, health, and true happiness.

(626 words.)

Band 4

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Argumentative Writing: ‘Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) plays a significant role in deterring crime and anti-social behaviour’. Give your opinion.

‘Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) plays a significant role in deterring crime and anti-social behaviour’.
Give your opinion. You should write at least 350 words. Illustrate your opinion with examples.

               Crime prevention has been somewhat a battle that most authorities face as they try to come up with new measures to deter crime and anti-social behaviour among citizens. One of the ways to prevent these problems is by using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in places where there are crime risks such as shopping malls and banks. The CCTV can be defined as the use of video cameras to transmit signals or images to a specific place or set of monitors, which allows close monitoring and surveillance. Nowadays, CCTVs are widely used to prevent crimes and some are installed in public areas. I agree that it plays an important role in preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. Since crime and anti-social behaviours such as theft, rape, and other inconsiderate acts can cause damage to our society, measures such as installing CCTVs in certain areas can be used to deter such acts.
                The act of breaking the law or anti-social behaviour such a vandalism of government property are done because the criminals believe that there is no one or no authorized personnel watching their wrongdoings. They believe that they can escape from the law because there is no evidence or witness to the crime. By installing CCTVs in areas where the crime rate is high, for example, parking lots or car parks, crimes like car theft can be reduced. In a survey done by Northeastern University, it was analysed that the surveillance cameras have helped in crime reduction, with a decline of 51% crime rates in parking lots. Recently, more people are installing CCTVs in their private residence to stop break-ins. Criminals become discouraged when they see these devices. This is because the cameras may record the criminal’s actions and their faces. The cameras’ presence in the area can curb the criminals from committing the crime for fear of being recorded on tape. Besides that, the technology of surveillance cameras have improved throughout the years, providing high quality and high definition videos and images that can capture the details of people’s physical appearance with the exact time and place. This may well instil hesitation and fear in the hearts of law-offenders, thus dampening their urge to commit crimes.
                The CCTVs do not only discourage the acts of crime, but it serves as providing critical evidence for certain crimes. For example, CCTVs were substantially useful in the murder of James Bulger in England in the year of 1993. As James’ mother was momentarily distracted in the shopping mall where they were shopping, the surveillance cameras in the shopping mall recorded scenes of how 2-year-old James was abducted by two 10-year-old boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. They brought him out from the shopping mall and to several places before finally murdering him near a cemetery. The video footage documented by the CCTVs of the shopping mall were attained and displayed in national television by the media. A woman who knew Venables and that he had played truant with Thompson that day, saw the video and recognized him. She immediately contacted the police and the two boys were arrested. Clearly, if it had not been for the video, the boys would not have been recognized, and they may have caused other murders or anti-social behaviours which pose a definite threat to people, in this case, small children. The CCTVs have helped to create hard evidence that is unchallenged.
                CCTVs have been a very modern measure in reducing crime rates, but some people argue that it actually displaces crime, rather than deterring it. Easily-available mini CCTVs have been known to be used for criminal activity. It can be install at automatic teller machines (ATM) to steal people’s personal identification number without them knowing it. Apart from the fact that it may violate people’s privacy, the CCTVs’ videos are easily hacked and obtained. Some may use these videos illegally for their own use, usually for artistic purposes. In addition, some people think that the CCTVs cannot prevent crime, because crime prevention can only be done through education or correction of behaviour. They think that the surveillance cameras do nothing to inhibit crime, as in some occasions, crime still occur even though the cameras are present. For instance, a bank can still be robbed even with CCTVs operating for 24 hours. During robbery, the robbers can very well conceal their faces from the recording cameras simply by wearing a mask or cloth to avoid recognition. Their acts may be recorded, but their faces have been hidden. As a result, the videos obtained might prove non-useful. That is why some people believe that the CCTVs actually have no role in preventing crime.
                In conclusion, crime prevention using CCTVs is not the only way to combat crime and anti-social behaviour, but it is one of the practical ways that should be implemented. There are some countries that install CCTVs in public areas for the purpose of deterring crime and anti-social behaviour such as United Kingdom. A survey by University of Cambridge stated that the installations of the cameras have reduced crime and anti-social activity rates in public locations with a drop of 7%. In highways in some countries, CCTVs are fixed to poles or in trees to detect road-bullies and drivers who exceed the speed limits. So, I strongly believe that the CCTVs are particularly useful in both private housing and public places, as it can create the uncomfortable feeling of being closely observed as offenders commit misconduct. This feeling can generate a consciousness in them, making them reluctant to break the law. Looking at the figures, these methods have positive effects in controlling crime. Therefore, the CCTVs have a significant role in preventing crime and anti-social behaviour.

(948 words).

Status: Checked.

Band 4.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Argumentative Writing: Working from home solves many domestic problems. What do you agree?

Working from home solves many domestic problems. What do you agree?

                In modern times, domestic problems have become somewhat enhanced throughout the years. Domestic problems are problems between family members and it does not concern people from outside the family. Nevertheless, situations outside the home can contribute to the downfall of a family, resulting in domestic problems such as financial problems, child neglect, verbal or physical abuse, and separation of parents. There are some ways that can suggestively combat these problems and one of them is by working from home. Workaholics who work excessively outside of the home tends to ignore the circumstances at home, causing problems to the family. This essay will discuss whether working from home can solve many domestic problems or not.
                First and foremost, there are numerous reasons why people prefer working outside compared to working from home. It is a standardization that most people will undergo when they first get a job. The jobs provided are stable with a rewarding income that can definitely allow parents to afford the luxuries that life has to offer for their children. Plus, working in companies benefits the employee in many ways, such as providing free health care and life insurance. Working outside can also enable a person to expand their range of friends and colleagues. This enables them to develop different communication skills with different types of people.
                Joyce Brothers once said, “when you look at your life, the greatest happiness is family happiness.” Family can be considered as one of the most important element in our life, and bonds by blood are stronger than bonds by friendship. So, it is crucial to place family first above work. Working from home permits a person to give full commitment to family responsibilities. Parents can do their part as parents to the child in full term. A mother who works from home can raise her child in the home in her own way. She would not need to drop her toddler to the nursery every time she goes to work. Child neglect or abandoning of family duties can be avoided. Parents who work from home can give the cosiness and warmth of a family throughout the child’s whole life. This will lead to good upbringing and a happy childhood for the child.
                Working from home can promote better family relationships. For example, spouses who work outside the home for long periods of time can result in long absences from the home, such as pilots or ship captains. This absence may cause family members to be distant with each other even though they may communicate through telephone or video calls, like Skype, since it is never the same with physical contact. In some cases, there are spouses who fail to withstand the tension and pressure of long-distance relationships that they resort to romantic affairs or even violence. On the other hand, working at home will prevent all this, as spouses know the actions and whereabouts of each other. Besides that, a typical family environment can encourage family members to cherish one another’s presence and carry out their respective responsibilities thus bringing them closer.
                Some people are incapable of balancing professional careers with family duties. Some can just focus on one main thing and the rest is done half-heartedly. By working from home, some people can regain the balance. When a person works outside the home, it can be stressful in life especially for working mothers who have to be workers, mothers, and wives at the same time. This may lead to overstress and depression. When the person refuses to seek proper help, the tension builds up inside them. They become emotionally fragile and moody. Then, they tend to vent out their frustrations through house neglect, abusive behaviour, and in extreme cases, even suicide. This will effect family relationships and give bad experience for the children. In addition, the stress caused might lead to illnesses such as high blood pressure and heart attack.
                In conclusion, I agree to the statement that working from home can solve many domestic problems. This is because domestic problems are often caused by the inability of the family members to prioritize the things in their life. They get carried away with materialism and achieving career goals that they pay little heed to the conditions at home. Working from home is very suitable for single mothers and women in general since they have to care for their family. Besides, blood is thicker than water. I believe that family should be one of the top primacies in one’s life. However, sometimes it has little to do with the place you work but rather it is how you work that will determine everything else.

(773 words.)

Status: Checked.

Band 4.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cell-mediate Immune Response & Humoral/Antibody-mediate Immune Response

An easy-to-memorize form of essay:

Cell-mediate Immune Response

  • Macrophage first engulf & digest bacteria into small fragments.
  • Antigen fragments combine with class II MHC found on surface of macrophage.
  • Macrophage becomes APC(antigen-presenting cell).
  • APC binds to helper T cell, bond is enhanced by CD4.
  • CD4 binds to class II MHC. This stimulate APC to secrete interleukin-1.
  • Interleukin-1stimulate helper T cell to produce interleukin-2(in large amounts).
  • Interleukin-2 stimulates helper T cell to multiply into cytotoxic T cell.
  • Cytotoxic T cell attach to infected/cancerous cell and release perforin to puncture holes on target cell.
  • Target cell undergoes lysis and is destroyed.

Humoral/Antibody-mediate Immune Response

  • B lympocyte binds to antigens of pathogen.
  • Pathogen is engulfed by B cell by endocytosis and digested.
  • Antigens bind with class II MHC & move to cell surface.
  • B cell becomes APC(antigen-presenting cell).
  • APC binds to helper T cell, T cell secrete interleukin-2 which activates B cell.
  • B cell divide repeatedly into plasma cells & memory B cells.
  • Plasma cells produce antibodies that kill the antigen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pengajian Am 2: New Format 2012

Looks like the Ministry of Education created a new format for PA paper 2.

My Form 6 teachers went to a talk that was held to clarify the format of PA 2:

1. English words (even with ' ' or pembuka & penutup kata) are not accepted.

2. For Bahagian D (graph) you can write the title with big letters, all of it, with caps lock on. :)

3. For pie chart (carta pai), the elements of the petunjuk can be written inside the circle, so you don't have to write the petunjuk in the 6 cm boundary.

4. For line graph (graf garis), the elements of the petunjuk can also be written at the end of each line. This is applied to combination bar graph( graf bar gabungan).

5. For the inverted graph (graf imbangan/songsang, the skala should be written as such:

Skala : 1 cm mewakili -/+ _____ .

you need to write the ' -/+ ' in there.

My teacher said that you can carry on doing graphs like you used to do,ignoring all this, except for the number 5.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Argumentative Writing: Should children be taught sex education in schools?

Should children be taught sex education in schools?

                Sex education is a relatively new concept in the education system. It was proposed as a way to reduce various sex-related problems happening among the youths such as teenage pregnancies, abortion, baby-dumping, rape, molestations, and incest. These problems are committed mostly by people who are misinformed about sex and the risks involved. In my opinion, sex education is a great way to teach young adults about all there is to know about sex and everything that comes with it. I agree that sex education should be taught in schools and this essay will discuss the reasons.
                In a study done by The Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2007, about 50 per cent of children in India are sexually abused.  Sex is considered as a taboo subject in India, so nobody talks about it or report about the abuse. A lot of people feel that this delicate issue should be informed or explained by the parents. However, many parents feel embarrassed to talk about sex openly to their children. That is why schools can provide an alternate route for children to learn the facts about sex. Teaching sex education in schools can promote the idea that sex is a natural, healthy, and normal part of life and nobody should feel ashamed about it. It can help youths to learn about sex in a scientific and objective way so that they would be more careful to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually-transmitted diseases.
                Children need the correct information about sex to be able to protect them themselves when necessary. In the United States, most of the teenagers are already sexually active and the teenage pregnancy rate is doubled compared to other western countries, with 750000 teens becoming pregnant annually. This is due to the fact that the teenagers are not well-informed about sex and the risks as they reach puberty and undergo body changes. A lot of these adolescents become curious and decide to try it themselves. Thus, it is important to equip teenagers with reliable and correct information about how to protect themselves from sex abuse, unplanned pregnancies, and diseases by enforcing sex education in schools.
                Sex education can be an encouragement to youths to remain abstinent or practice safe sex by using preventive measures such as using condoms. Studies show that teaching sex education before youths become sexually active can actually help them to stay abstinent or use protection when they reach the stage of becoming sexually active. By teaching it in schools, children will be informed earlier about sex, preventive measures and sexually-transmitted diseases so that they can prepare themselves about the mysterious subject of sex as they grow up. They would not have to be curious about it anymore and misunderstandings or myths about sex such as not getting pregnant for the first time of doing it can be confidently defied, as they would have been properly informed in schools.
                In conclusion, sex education is a vital subject that must be taught to young children or adolescents. The perception of shame and embarrassment concerning talking about sex should be corrected because sex is a biological part of life. I think that it is immature to think that people can avoid talking about sex when it is a natural thing in a person’s life. Schools should implement programs to effectively inform students about this subject in a neutral manner.

(561 words).

Status: Checked.

Band 4

Argumentative Writing : If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and be punished?

If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?

                “What’s done to children, they will do to society”. This quote by American psychiatrist, Karl Menninger tells us that the adults who shape children have a large influence on their behaviour towards society. The adults in question are mostly their parents. There are a lot of crimes or illegitimate behaviour done by children or teenagers such as vandalism, bullying, drug-abuse, and self-mutilations. Many people think that parents are to be blamed for their children’s bad behaviour and they should be punished, but some disagrees to this idea for various reasons.
                Some parents think that they should not be held responsible for their children’s bad behaviour because most teenagers today are independent and free-willed that parents could not control them. Even though the parents have worked hard to raise a child to be good and abide to the law, the child can defy and deviate from his or her parents due to outside influences such as the mass media or peers, which can alter a child’s views considerably. So, according to some parents, their children’s bad behaviour is not entirely their fault.
                On the other hand, many people think that the parents are the source of children’s bad behaviour.  Parents play a major role to influence the way a child thinks and behave. They are the first people to interact and influence the child. Their mannerism and way of thinking will become examples for the child to follow as they grow up. If the children behaved badly, that is because they reflect the behaviour of the parents.
                Parents should be responsible for their children’s behaviour because they are the ones who gave their children life. They have the responsibility to provide care, food, education, and protection for their children. So, it seems right to assume that parents are to be held responsible for their children’s behaviour. They should be punished when their children take part in juvenile crimes, as it can be taken as a hint that the children are not receiving the correct upbringing that every child deserves.
                In popular belief, people believe that problematic children come from broken families. In reality, problematic children may come from any family, either broken or not. Being in a disordered family is not a factor when children behave badly, but the method of upbringing should be questioned. Sometimes, even well to-do families may produce rebellious teens. I think this is due to the way parents raise the child. They may leave the job of raising their kids to teachers or nannies, that they seldom spend time for their children. So, the parents must be held responsible for their children’s bad behaviour when this is the case.
                In summary, I think that parents should be responsible for their children’s bad attitude at a certain extent for the reasons mentioned above. Young children at the age of 18 years old and below are not able to decide clearly, but those above 18 should know the difference between right and wrong. It is true that outside factors can drive a child to commit crimes or behave badly, but the parents should do whatever they can to correct or guide the child to the proper lane. In the case of punishing the parents, issuing fines to the parents for their children’s bad behaviour could be a suitable castigation so that the parents will be more concerned of their children’s behaviour and the children may want to think twice before displaying bad behaviour, for their parents will have to pay for it.

(584 words).

Status: Checked.

Band 4

Argumentative writing : Are women better parents than men?

Are women better parents than men?

                Parenting is a challenging but a highly crucial task. Good parents produce happy and healthy children while bad parenting will produce problematic children. Some people think women make better parents than men while others feel the opposite. In my opinion, women do make better parents than men. This essay will discuss why women are better parents than men.
                Most mothers share a matchless biological bond with their children. No one else can replace a mother’s status in a child’s life. Whatever the cause, there appears to be a lifelong silver chord or biological connection between mother and child that cannot be explained scientifically. Although fathers may form deep loving bonds with their children, they may not be able to match the depth of closeness by mother and child.
                Women tend to sacrifice more for her children compared to men. They often put other things like their hobbies and interests on hold to care for the children. Usually, mothers are the ones who would stay up at night to attend to a crying baby or a sick child. Some fathers might think that the job to look after the children is not crucial and should be done by the mothers instead of them. This may prove that women do look after their children more than men would.
                Women are naturally more caring and forgiving compared to men. They will understand the needs and the behaviour of children better. Besides that, mothers are the best guardians for children below the age of 18. Even in divorce cases, mothers are given the custodial rights of the children, unless the mother had any kind of condition that would disable her from caring for her children like insanity.
                Women are more intuitive than men. Women often know how to read non-verbal signals in human behaviour, which can be useful alerts to issues or problems in the child’s life. Even when a baby or a child cries, the first person to attend it will always be the mother as she knows what the child needs and wants. This shows that women can be better parents in the times when children need them most.
                In conclusion, although both parents are certainly capable of caring for children, the mother often make better parents than fathers. It is the truth that no one can simply alter. Nobody can choose between a mother and a lover, because mothers create a deep bond in children that no one can challenge. Anyone who has experienced the unconditional acceptance of a mother’s love can bear witness to this reality.

(425 words.)

Status: Checked.

Band 4


Welcome. I made this blog mainly because I need to document my homework and notes, and I thought keeping it in a blog would be much easier and more organized (less clutter and less confusion too). This blog contain some notes, essays and homework in Form Six.